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Modified 25-Feb-13
Created 20-Feb-13
53 photos

Ducks, Teal, Mergansers, Goldeneye, Eiders, Grebes, Pelicans, Anhingas, Cormorants
Wood Duck drake and henWood Duck drake in treeRing-necked Duckmallard drakeMallard, femaleMandarin Duck drakeMandarin Duck drake and henBlue-winged Teal drakeBlue-winged TealGreen-winged Teal, adult non-breedingGreen-winged tealCinnamon Teal, drake and henBlue-winged TealNorthern Shoveler drakeNorthern Shoveler femaleLesser Scaup, drake and hens, non-breeding plumageNorthern Pintail (F)Northern Pintails in flightFulvous Whistling DuckBlack-bellied Whistling Ducks

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