Modified 4-Feb-13
Created 27-Mar-08
18 photos
Common mergansers and hooded mergansers are seen in great numbers in New England early spring. Hooded mergansers ("hoodies") are so named for the head feathers that fans into a distinct hammerhead crest for males, less so for females. Breeding drakes have a large white stripe on the head, absent in the female. The eye is golden. Hoodies are our smallest mergansers with an average length of 18" and a 24" wingspan, about the same size as a wood duck. They do not congregate with other ducks and tend to swim about in pairs. Common mergansers are considerably larger than hoodies with an average length of 25" and a 3 foot wingspan. The male has an all-white body with a greenish-black neck and a day-glo orange sawbill with a long heavy base. The female has a rust-colored head and a gray body. In mid-summer a female common merganser may be seen on the water leading and babysitting a long line of chicks, sometimes including chicks from other families. These photos were taken in March 2008 primarily at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Easthampton, Massachusetts
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:merganser, sawbill
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