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Created 10-Jul-16
Modified 10-Jul-16
Etosha National Park is located in the north of Namibia and is a five-hour drive north of Windhoek, the Capital. It is unique in Africa, with the center salt pan so large it can easily be seen from space. There is abundant wildlife, often clustered about numerous waterholes, and accessible by mostly good-quality gravel roads. There are also first-rate accomodations at four main lodges throughout Etosha.

Etosha is home to grazers, predators, elephants, rhinos, birds, and more in the animal kingdom. It takes on a magical air at dusk and at night.


30 photos
Created 18-Jul-16
Modified 18-Jul-16


20 photos
Created 10-Jul-16
Modified 10-Jul-16

Elephants and Rhinos

11 photos
Created 19-Jul-16
Modified 19-Jul-16
Elephants and Rhinos


15 photos
Created 10-Jul-16
Modified 10-Jul-16

Dusk and Night

6 photos
Created 10-Jul-16
Modified 10-Jul-16
Dusk and Night

Etosha Scenics

5 photos
Created 14-Dec-16
Modified 14-Dec-16
Etosha Scenics


2 photos
Created 10-Jul-16
Modified 10-Jul-16