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Visitors 1161
Modified 13-Nov-12
Created 20-Oct-08
23 photos

Photos taken October 2008 and 2012
Sun behind the clouds, Hadleythe yellow road in the woodsMaple tree canopyBeech tree trunk and canopyMaple leaves in transitionRed maple leavesMaple leavesCountry road after the rainFall foliage, Holyoke RangeMaple tree after the leaves have fallenRamshackle HouseHadley DaybreakMorning sun on Puffers PondCountry road near Puffers PondDaybreak at Town Hall, Amherst, MassaachusettsAmherst dawnFall foliage along Moody Bridge RoadHadley farm sceneCreamery Bridge - Ashfield, MADamon Pond panorama

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