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Modified 11-Sep-12
Created 4-Oct-07
21 photos

Here are a few photos of landscapes and activities typical of midcoastMaine, ranging from Portland northeast through Damariscotta and on tothe Rockland-Camden area.
sunrise at Damariscotta Lakefoggy sunrisesunset Damariscotta Lakesunrise at Pemaquid PointPemaquid Point lighthousePemaquid Point lighthouseReflections in tidal poolPemaquid Point lighthouseFly fishing on the Androscogginpicking blueberriesStacking lobster trapsSizing a lobsterCountry music at North Nobleboro DayPemaquid Oyster FestivalShucking oysters at the Pemaquid Oyster FestivalFoggy morning at Popham BeachPopham Beach, Fox IslandPort Clyde, MaineSunrise at Scarborough Marsh

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Maine, midcoast Maine