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Modified 8-Sep-12
Created 5-Sep-12
35 photos

Karl Gerstenberger and I hosted an opening reception last night at the Camden Public Library (Maine) for our bird photography gallery show that will run the rest of this month. Despite a rainy evening, we had a very good turnout with standing room only (which is always ensured if you put out just a few chairs…) Don Reimer, the featured speaker, spoke about the history of both birding and also bird photography. Thanks to all who came and if you weren't able to come, we invite you to stop by the Jean Picker Room of the Camden Library sometime in September to view the 44 hanging pictures.

The bird photos were from some great trips we have taken together over the past few years to New Mexico, Texas, Florida, Canada, and of course our home states of Maine and Massachusetts.

I was the designated photographer so you won't find me in any of these pictures.

Keith Carver
Camden Harbor as seen from Camden Library terraceCamden Public Library lower entranceFrom Hummingbirds to Whooping CranesDon Reimer, Karl Gerstenberger, Louisa Gerstenberger and John WilliamsJudie Towlson and Donna CarverDon and Sherry Reimer

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