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Modified 25-Feb-13
Created 20-Feb-13
45 photos

Egrets, Herons, Ibises, Limpkins, Spoonbills and Storks
Great Egret, breeding plumage, displayingGreat Egret, breeding plumageGreat Egrets matingGreat Egret with begging chickGreat EgretGreat Egret, en pointeSnowy Egret, breeding plumageSnowy EgretGolden slippers of a Snowy EgretSnowy Egret fishingSnowy EgretsSnowy Egrets and Glossy IbisCattle Egret, breeding plumageReddish egret, dark morphReddish egret, white morphReddish Egret and preyReddish Egret huntingLittle Blue Heron, breeding plumageGreen HeronTri-colored Heron

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