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Modified 20-Feb-13
Created 20-Feb-13
21 photos

Snow geese flight formationSnow goose on the waterSnow Geese (white and blue morph)Snow geese resting and feeding in shallow waterSnow Geese blastoffSnow geese Vee formationCanada Geese on Connecticut River at dawnSandhill Crane climbingSandhill Crane callingSandhill Cranes wadingSandhill Crane quartetSandhill Crane pair under cottonwood treeThree Sandhill Cranes displayingSandhill Cranes foragingSandhill Cranes, four wings on downbeatMale Sandhill Crane in courtship displaySandhill Crane pair landing at duskSandhill Crane flies out from crane pool, heading toward corn fieldsWhooping CraneWhooping Crane with Blue Crab

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